Sunday, November 18, 2012

Genomics Resources

The most powerful and popular genomics resources
Management and querying of many types of biological data
Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool
Performs multiple sequence alignments
A pattern and motif recognition program Comparative Genomics Developments, a collection of powerful comparative genomics tools
FASTA sequence algorithm
Analysis tools for researchers
A gene expression/molecular abundance repository and a curated, online resource for gene expression data
A motif finder and analysis tool
Ascribe biological significance to large lists of genes by annotating them with their corresponding GO categories
A comprehensive protein signature resource
Motif Discovery scan for nucleotide and protein motifs
A Web-Based Tool for Promoter Analysis
Multiple Expectation Maximum for Motif Elicitation
Part of a motif discovery tool that can detect conserved motifs in a set of DNA or protein sequences.
Motif-based sequence analysis tools
MEME suite motif finding and annotating tools
Motif discovery tool that can detect conserved motifs in a set of DNA or protein sequences that you provide
Pick primers from a DNA sequence.
The UCSC Genome Browser Introduction
UCSC Genome Browser advanced topics
Additional tools at the UCSC Genome Browser
UniProt, Universal Protein Resource
The Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center
Tools for Comparative Genomics
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
A bioinformatics resource for alternative splice events and transcripts for human, mouse, and rat
A public repository for microarray gene expression data at the EBI
Management and querying of many types of biological data
Performs multiple sequence alignments
Ensembl Genome Browser
Older version of Ensembl Genome Browser
FASTA sequence algorithm
IntAct is an open source database and analysis resource for protein interaction data
A comprehensive protein signature resource
Mapped gene expression data in mouse brain
A bioinformatics resource for alternative splice events and transcripts for human, mouse, and rat
A public repository for microarray gene expression data at the EBI
A Database of Heterogeneous Gene Expression Data Based on A Consistent Gene Nomenclature
A tool that analyzes large lists of genes to provide biological meaning
Database of Transcriptional Start Sites
The home for Functional Glycomics research
A gene expression/molecular abundance repository and a curated, online resource for gene expression data
Provides an extensive amount of high quality images of gene expression in the central nervous system of the mouse.
Phenotypes database
Additional tools at the UCSC Genome Browser
Tools for Comparative Genomics
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
Management and querying of many types of biological data
A chemoinformatics and bioinformatics resource
ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements
Ensembl Genome Browser
Older version of Ensembl Genome Browser
A resource for the genes, genome and molecular biology of Drosophila melanogaster and related species.
GBrowse User Introductory Tutorial
A resource on rice and other grass genomes
Map Viewer Genome Browser from NCBI
The Mouse Genome Informatics resource provides data, tools, and analyses for the mouse model organism.
Various Genome Browsers examined
Plant Genome Database
Rat Genome Database
Saccharomyces Genome Database
The Arabidopsis Information Resource
The UCSC Genome Browser Introduction
UCSC Genome Browser advanced topics
Additional tools at the UCSC Genome Browser
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
molecular and genetic information on Caenorhabditis elegans and related species
The Zebrafish Information Network
Comprehensive Microbial Resource
An extensive collection of data, resources and tools for prokaryotic genomic analysis
Older version of Ensembl Genome Browser
GBrowse User Introductory Tutorial
IMG is a powerful community resource for the comparative analysis and annotation of microbial genome data.
IMG/M provides tools for analyzing the functional capability of microbial communities based on their metagenome sequence
Various Genome Browsers examined
Provides you with many research and analysis tools that can be used to examine the genomes of more than 50 microbial species from the domain archaea.
The Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center
Viral genome resources including single-stranded or double-stranded RNA or DNA viruses
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
Standardized term lists that can enhance interactions with biological databases
Gene Ontology controlled vocabularies in biology
Information Hyperlinked Over Proteins text mining resource
PubMatrix, an on-line tool for multiplex literature mining of the PubMed database.
PubMed access to biomedical research literature
known and predicted protein-protein interactions
Text-mining the biological literature
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
eXploring Medline abstracts
Overview of NCBI's Entrez Search Resource
Home to many commonly used publicly available databases and tools in molecular biology.
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
Database of Biological Systems
Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool
An extensive collection of data, resources and tools for prokaryotic genomic analysis
A database of genotypes and phenotypes with extensive variation data and clinical details
NCBI's SNP database Comparative Genomics Developments, a collection of powerful comparative genomics tools
NCBI's Entrez tool for gene-centric information
Overview of NCBI's Entrez Search Resource
NCBI's Entrez Protein for amino acid-centric information
A gene expression/molecular abundance repository and a curated, online resource for gene expression data
GeneTests, a current, comprehensive genetic testing resource
Provides an extensive amount of high quality images of gene expression in the central nervous system of the mouse.
Map Viewer Genome Browser from NCBI
Molecular Modeling Database at NCBI
Home to many commonly used publicly available databases and tools in molecular biology.
PubMed access to biomedical research literature
Provides molecular sequence records to help locate gene and protein data.
Viral genome resources including single-stranded or double-stranded RNA or DNA viruses
A bioinformatics resource for alternative splice events and transcripts for human, mouse, and rat
Comprehensive Microbial Resource
A pattern and motif recognition program
Database of Transcriptional Start Sites
NCBI's Entrez tool for gene-centric information
A motif finder and analysis tool
Motif Discovery scan for nucleotide and protein motifs
A Web-Based Tool for Promoter Analysis
Multiple Expectation Maximum for Motif Elicitation
microRNA sequences, targets and gene nomenclature
Pick primers from a DNA sequence.
Provides molecular sequence records to help locate gene and protein data.
Additional tools at the UCSC Genome Browser
Tools for Comparative Genomics
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
Database of Biological Systems
An open-source software platform used for visualization and analysis of molecular interaction and network data
A tool that analyzes large lists of genes to provide biological meaning
GeneMANIA: Fast Gene Function Predictions
A freely available open source software application for visualizing microarray data in the context of biological pathways.
IntAct is an open source database and analysis resource for protein interaction data
KEGG, The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
Molecular Interaction Database
A resource of pathway and network data and displays
Knowledgebase of biological processes
Older version of the current Reactome knowledgebase of biological processes.
known and predicted protein-protein interactions
A web-based or downloadable software platform used for visualization and analysis of networks and interaction pathways
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
A pattern and motif recognition program
NCBI's Entrez Protein for amino acid-centric information
The home for Functional Glycomics research
GeneMANIA: Fast Gene Function Predictions
A motif finder and analysis tool
IntAct is an open source database and analysis resource for protein interaction data
A comprehensive protein signature resource
Motif Discovery scan for nucleotide and protein motifs
Multiple Expectation Maximum for Motif Elicitation
Molecular Interaction Database
Molecular Modeling Database at NCBI
A resource of pathway and network data and displays
Protein Domain families
Database of protein domains, families and functional sites
RCSB Protein Data Bank
Protein domain annotation and analysis of domain architectures
known and predicted protein-protein interactions
The Protein Structure Initiative Structural Biology Knowledgebase
Additional tools at the UCSC Genome Browser
UniProt, Universal Protein Resource
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
Characterize the molecular genetic changes that cause a normal cell to become a cancer cell
A database of genotypes and phenotypes with extensive variation data and clinical details
NCBI's SNP database
Database of Genomic Variants, DGV, catalogs and displays structural variation in the human genome
An archived database associating human genes and polymorphisms with diseases
GeneTests, a current, comprehensive genetic testing resource
A collection of data describing the effects of genetic variability on human health and disease
A database providing rapid access to human genotype data and analysis tools.
HapMap, a database and analysis resource of human variation
Human pedigree diagram tools
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences Environmental Genome Project (EGP) SNPs
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Phenotypes database
PubMed access to biomedical research literature
Human SNPs in genes
Tools for Comparative Genomics
A World Tour of Genome Resources for finding and learning the right resource for your needs.
Analyze and visualize molecular interaction networks
An integrated view of gene structure and SNP variations

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